I have so much fun customizing blogs, that i offered to help another friend with her blog! We went through a few templates (i installed them
for her), and she picked one that she liked. Then i left her to play with the text colours and sat back & watched, while i frequently 'refreshed' her blog.
OH, the transformations it went through! First, it went all gray, pretty template gone... then the fonts went back to basic plain stuff... then a HUGE header of her art filled the page... then she obviously ticked 'shrink to fit', and the header fit (it looked nice!), BUT... the body of the blog (the posts) was gone. There was only the Title & a description underneath there! More happened with fonts, etc, (obviously she was trying to fix whatever she did), but the body was still gone. Actually, it wasn't gone. There was just a HUGE gap between it and the header. You had to scroll down forever just to get to it! AAAAAA!
I had to leave (i had been waiting for her to accept a chat invite, so i could help her work it out, but she was obviously busy. So in the morning, i went back into her blog to see what had happened. There were 2 or 3 superfluous HTML/Javascript gadget boxes with other versions of templates in them, so i deleted them, hoping that would solve the problem. It didn't. So i tried deleting the HTML box with the current template in it, and reverted back to the 'Simple' template she had started with. Nope. The HUGE gap was still there. Urgh! Now what? And i couldn't see anything in the actual HTML of the template. *Shrug*
So i emailed my friend Mark, who sees all and knows all. Unfortunately, in his words... "I may be able to design the inner guts of a computer and redefine the universe but I have done very little with HTML and Javascripts". Lol! So, no help there! So i then emailed the wonderful lady who created the beautiful free background we were using. It wasn't her fault, but i thought that she may have an idea what happened.
Then i went back to fiddling with it. I ended up trying to go back to the old, OLD template of OLD blogger and applied that. Then went to install the new one again, and... it was really like being back in time! Apparently doing that un-installed the new 'Template Designer' that blogger installed recently, so i had to re-install it. And when i did, and applied the appropriate 'Minima' template that one must have in order to use these free backgrounds... All of the colour & text customization changes i had made were gone but.... so was the huge gap! Low & behold, the problem was solved! Yay! I was so relieved! I emailed the nice lady & told her she doesn't need to answer, and thanks.
So... the template that i have installed right now, for this specific post (& will take a screen shot of and add at the end of this post so that one can see it after i've changed my template for my
next post), is the template that my friend chose. Her blog is
Art Absolutely. :-) Isn't it cute? I think she made a great choice!
(Note: Her blog DID look like the pic below, but she has now changed it).