Anyway, VERY cool… look what I did to this little picture here! I cropped it and TILTED it! PLUS I added a copyright thingy & a ‘reflection’. WOW. Way easier to position the pic too, compared to the regular blogger way! Nice!
And this… I like being able to round the corners of a picture too! You can set up, say, rounded corners as the default as well as the size if you want.
What else can this thing do? Hmm. I’m kind of tired right now, and not in the mood to explore any more. So I’ll just keep it at this for now. But even THIS is a BIG improvement! AND it posts it to my blogger!
I’m impressed SO far….
Ok... well, i had to save the post to Drafts in blogger, then go to blogger... Edit Posts... then publish the post. BUT... the paragraph spaces weren't there, so i had to add them. Still, this may be useful, just for all the stuff you can do with the pics!
Nope, wait.. i found the 'Publish this Post' button on Window's Live... so maybe if it's published directly to the blog, instead of to the drafts, the paragraphs will be there. Well, we'll see next time...
SO cool! I need to look into that!
I just bought iLife 2011, mostly for the iPhoto upgrades. I will be curious to see if there is any difference using a Mac with Blogger.
Now that you showed me how to use the many free backgrounds available, I created another blog just to play around with them, to test new looks. Guess what? No more Minima! How the heck can I make use of all those free backgrounds with Minima!?!?!? *big long sigh*
Oh, and we're reloading Snow Leopard on the iMac; it's going to take a while. On my PC in the meantime. I am on pins and needles waiting to see if it can read my external hard drive or if everything is forever lost.
Hmmm. On your 'Design' page, click on 'Edit HTML'... then at ALMOST the bottom, you'll find: Layout Templates (Launched 2006).
Click on 'Select Layout Template', and the very first option is Minima. It SHOULD be there...
Oh, I already looked there--I looked there first. Nope.
And where can I make a new avatar? Mine are so outdated and yours are so cute!
@Bug... that's REALLY weird that it's not there? I have no idea why it wouldn't be then! DAMN. And... it's not like it's because your new blog is too new, because... ALL of mine are brand spanking new too!
*Things that make you go, hmmmmm*
As for avatars... Well, beyond making them yourself by cropping pictures... i joined some icon-making groups on LJ. There are people there that love to make icons & let people take them for free (as long as they are given credit for making them). If you want to know some that i joined, just PM me...
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