Was it really 10 years ago that i was in my early 40's thinking... wow... 1/2 a century is coming up fast! And this morning i woke up to the realization that sixty is the next big number! Sixty! Like... how can that happen? I don't feel any older! I still feel like i'm 25! But just a quick look at my saggy bits will tell you i'm not! Hehe.. don't worry.. i won't subject you to that horror! Although i'm much more irresponsible now, than i was when i was 25 (OH, if you can even imagine it)!
I don't really have any regrets in my life so far, other than 'that' one. The one where i didn't go to Art School, and instead got married. Like i couldn't get married AND go to school?? What was i thinking?? *sigh* Water under the bridge, and my one and only true regret.
But MAN, all i've ever wanted to do was travel! When i was younger, with little kids, i would take the kids (or the youngest one who wasn't in school), and take off on long Road Trips! I remember one said trip with said daughter, when she was 2 yrs old, while her three brothers were in school. She & i were gone for six weeks & headed down through Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada & back up to Utah and then home (Vancouver, BC). What an incredible trip! Las Vegas for the one night of the year that it rained! What a blessing! I have never seen anything so gorgeous as Las Vegas neon reflecting off the wet pavement! You should BE so lucky as to be there when it rains!
Anyway, i digress. The point is, i'm getting old fast, and i haven't been off of this continent! Well, other than Hawaii a few years ago, Japan when i was 17, Bahamas for my honeymoon, Barbados & Venezuela for my hubbie's job interview way back when i was pregnant with my first... Oh, OK, i have been off this continent. But i haven't been to Europe & Africa & Asia as a whole, etc. I want to see the world, and time is running out!

(BTW, this is this post with its original template) --->