And what did that entail? Well nothing too technical (unless you're computer illiterate) but... Hours & hours & HOURS of searching of course. Hours more of applying them to my blog to see how they'd look. Discarding the ones i didn't like, and keeping the ones i did. If i liked one, i would save a screen shot of it, crop the superfluous screen junk out of it, save it to my computer then save it to a facebook album. Then i would copy the link to the template in the album, so i can look at all of these templates pictured on on my own blog, and have the code on hand to change it at a whim. Hours & hours... days & DAYS i say!! And i would stay up until 3 am too boot! Hehe.
Now that is what i'm like when i'm obsessed with a project! I was like that with cross-stitch OH those many moons ago too. Dinner? Go make it yourself! I'm stitching another Sampler! Laundry? Oh, when the pile gets so high you can't get out of your room... THEN i'll think about doing it!
And this time, it was fun but... i'm glad it's over! I'm tired! :-)
I shudder to think what i'll be like if i get to painting again! Actually it would be wonderful and fun. For me at least... not for anyone else! They'd never see me!

Ah well.... The trials of living with an obsessed artist!
(BTW, this is this post with its original template) --->
Hey, I was so sure I commented on this post already!
Anyway, yes, Ladybug like! I've had more complaints about it being hard to read so I may play with the text background. Then again, you can't please everyone so you might as well please yourself.
Cross stitch days--a lifetime ago--but the common interest that brought us together. :-)
That's weird... I'm sure you did too!
Oh! Maybe when you changed your following from "Public" to "Anonymous", it automatically erased your comment! Hmm. Something to pay attention to in the future...
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